Wallnerstrasse 4/WA08
1010 Vienna
fon: +43 (0) 1 513 83 830
fax: +43 (0) 1 513 83 83 – 40
Registered office of the company: Vienna
Business purpose: Consultancy
VAT ID no.: ATU 71843525
Company ID number: Company register no. FN 462606d, Vienna Commercial Court
Chamber: Member of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce – Association of Corporate Consultants
Trade authority: Municipal Authority for the City of Vienna, Municipal District Office for the XIII District
Applicable regulations: Austrian Trade Act –
• Design and setup of the website: Creative Director: Peter Feierabend,; Design and Programming: Frank Behrendt,
• Online marketing, programming and ongoing maintenance: Werner Lampert Beratungsges.m.b.H
Unless otherwise stated, copyright is owned by Werner Lampert Beratungsges.m.b.H.
Exclusion of liability
This website and all associated information such as PDFs are used to present the services of Werner Lampert Beratungsges.m.b.H. They are provided only for general, non-binding information purposes. All information on the website is carefully researched but no responsibility or liability is accepted for it being either accurate or up-to-date. Nor is any responsibility accepted for externally linked websites – their operator is solely responsible for the content on them. With regard to the technical features of the Internet, no guarantee can be given that information provided on the Internet is authentic, correct or complete. Nor is any guarantee given for the availability or operation of the website and its content. As far as is legally permissible, no liability is accepted for direct, indirect or other losses, irrespective of the cause, that arise from the use or non-availability of data and information on this website. The content on this website is protected by copyright and only intended for personal use. Any other use – in particular storing data in databases, reproducing it, any form of commercial use and passing it on to third parties, even in part or in revised form – is explicitly prohibited without permission from Werner Lampert Beratungsges.m.b.H.